Practice Makes Perfect!

Did you know you can dramatically improve your interview sucess rate in 30 minutes or less? Use the toolkit below to make your interview answers pitch perfect! 🎉

Interview Toolkit

3 Quick tips about interview practice:

1. Create Interview Stories
Telling stories during your interviews is far more effective than just reciting your expertise.
👉 (You can learn how to tell interview stories by watching this video first here

2. Don't Memorize, Evolve
The goal isn't to memorize your answers, rather let them improve with each reptition.
👉 (Learn how to improve your answers by watching this video first.)

3. Prepare For All 4 Types
There are 4 types of interviews you'll encounter, make sure to adapt your approach to each one.
👉 (Learn more about each of the 4 interviews in our free interview course)

How to use:

Use the 3 practice questions as prompts.

Practice each question 5 times in a row before moving on to the next question.

  • Green: Your answer is concise
  • Yellow: Start to wrap up your answer (remember to end on a positive note)
  • Orange: Your answer is getting long, wrap it up soon.
  • Red: Your answer is too long, try to make it more concise as you practice.

Most of your answers should stay under 3 minutes.

Let your interviewer determine how much information they want. Keep your initial answer to 3 minutes or less. If your interviewer asks you follow-up questions, that should be your cue to expand your answer beyond 3 minutes.

Practice Timer

The 5 Rep Method for Interview Prep

Chapter Resource: 3 Practice Questions

Use these three common interview questions to practice your answers and develop your interview stories. Once you work through these 3 questions, you can find more practice questions in this blog post.

Chapter Resource: Video Interview Setup Guide

Use this guide to improve your camera setup for video interviews. 
