Fast Forward Your Next Career Move

Land your next job in as little as 5 weeks and increase your salary up to $50,000 for FREE!

As Featured In

The (free) Get Hired Toolkit

Job search tools and courses

100% Free, no credit card required (ever)!


Job Search Tools

7 tools including a keyword scanner, resume assistant, salary negotiation kit, and more.


Job Search Courses

3 Accelerated courses on resume writing, interviewing, and cover letters.



LinkedIn outreach templates, resume templates, thank you templates, and more.


Expert Advice

Career advice from 27+ career leaders, authors, and coaches.

Need to get hired even faster?

job search coaching

Not free, but so worth it!

Coaching Services


1-on-1 Coaching

Get (affordable) 1-on-1 job search coaching from our team of experts in our exclusive private chat group.


(Unlimited) Resume Reviews

Find out what's holding you back with a personalized resume review and get recommendations on improvements.


Job Search Questions

Get all your job search questions answered from when to apply, interview prep, salary negotiation, and more.

167,128+ professionals have used our programs to land interviews & jobs at:

What is GHYC?

Hi, my name is Bogdan Zlatkov. Before starting GHYC I was a Content Manager at LinkedIn Learning and the author of the Ultimate Guide to Job Hunting, ranked #1 on Google.

I created GHYC, a free site to help job seekers, by working with award-winning career coaches, best-selling authors, and Forbes Council members. Over the last 6+ years I've aggregated the best job search strategies & tools and inside I'll share them with you so you can use them too.
